from 1999 until infinity, computer controled video
This endless film which is computer-based is a continuously evolving installation displaying a screen with a human head counting to infinity. (Andreas Broeckmann)
Lingo scripting by briang
Produced through the European Media Art Residency
Commissioned by Hull Time Based Arts
Supported by C3 Foundation Budapest
shown (numbers and occasion):
361046 - 445861
Zeitverschiebung, einRaum, Braunschweig, 2016
260577 - 361045
Translation - Suggestion, Kunsthaus, Viernheim, 2015
248201 - 260576
Artforum, Berlin 2004
207365 - 248200
Subjective Space, Konsumverein, Braunschweig, 2003
187341 - 207364
Harakiri Bonbon, Kunsthaus, Hamburg, 2003
133481 - 156240
CYNETart, Kunsthaus, Dresden, 2000
94588 - 133480
Media Model, Mūcsarnok, Budapest, 2000
76334 - 94587
Festival of Young Experimental Art IV., Postfuhramt, Berlin, 2000
74651 - 76333
internet.galaxis.2000, Museum of Ethnography, Budapest, 2000
10861 - 74650
MM endless, Deįk Erika Galéria, Budapest, 2000
1 - 10860
roots festival, Time Based Arts, Hull, 1999